Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A last minute change in plans...

So, as I mentioned yesterday, the second course had not yet, as of this morning, been set. It should have been, but I've been dithering with the second course.

Today, up against a hard deadline, I just sort of decided to pull the entire second course in a different direction.

Here's the revised (and set) second course.  I'll write more fully about how I arrived at these decisions tomorrow, but I wanted to get this info up and out into the world tonight: 

-- Second Course

+ Chewetes on Flesshe Day (chicken pies) (1390, Forme of Cury, England, and other sources)
A chicken pie, with hard boiled eggs and spices

+ Funges (1390, Forme of Cury, England)
A dish I have cooked many, many times. Mushrooms and leeks in strong broth.

+ Pottage of Cracked Barley (1520, Libre del Coch, Spain)
This is a carry over from the original menu. Barley with cinnamon and sugar. Although barley pottage (frumenty) is very early, the addition of the cinnamon seems to be later (or at least documented later).

Benes Yfryed (1390, Forme of Cury, England)
I'm adding beans as an alternate protein. This one is beans, onions, and garlic. There is another that is slightly different -- these are currently being cook tested.

Salat (1390, Forme of Cury, England)
Assorted greens, dressed in vinegar, oil, and salt

More to come, tomorrow.  

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